International Regulatory Framework
The below list includes a group of International Conventions, international legislation and policies related to LNG bunkering operations:
- UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate UNFCCC Treaty
- The Paris Agreement The Paris Agreement
- SOLAS International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS Convention
- IMO MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (Annex VI) MARPOL Annex VI
- IMO IGF Code International Gas Fuel (rules for the receiving ship) IGF Code
- IMO IGC Code International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk as revised in 2016 (rules for the bunker ship) IGC Code
- ILO International Labour Organization / STCW International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping STCW Convention
- SGMF Gas as a Marine Fuel - An introductory Guide version 3.0
- SGMF Contractual Guidelines - Quantity and Quality
- SGMF Safety Guidelines - Bunkering Version 2.0
- SGMF Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs) during LNG Bunkering
- SGMF Recommendation of Controlled Zones during LNG bunkering
- SGMF Manifold arrangements for gas-fuelled vessels
- SIGTTO LNG STS (Ship to Ship) Transfer Guidelines LNG STS Guidelines
- IACS- LNG Bunkering Guidelines LNG Bunkering Guidelines
ISO standards
- ISO 28460:2010
- ISO Standard 20519: 2017

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